Reaching Ireland With The Truth of The Gospel

Supporting the church, reaching communities

Outreach Ireland is a partnership of Christians who have a heart to reach Ireland for the Gospel, and to see the local Church energised and set on fire for the purposes of God in our generation.

Our vision is to give every man, woman and child the opportunity of hearing the truth of God’s love for mankind. To break the hold that religion has when it distorts the picture of God in people’s minds, and to see the gospel become front and centre on the curriculum for the church today.

Our mission is to see the local church encouraged, energised, and enthused for the cause of the gospel, and to see people transformed by the power of God in their lives.

Outreach Ireland is a platform where local churches can come together and partner in bringing the truth of God’s love.

It is vital for the local church to be encouraged, energized, and enthused for the cause of the Gospel, and Outreach Ireland plays a crucial role in facilitating that transformation and empowerment. By providing a platform for local churches to partner together in spreading the love of God, Outreach Ireland is building a strong network of believers who are united in their mission.

street work reaching young people

Street evangelism

Reaching young people with the gospel is especially important as nearly all mention of God and Christianity is being removed from the modern school curriculum

Praying with people where ever they are

People have many needs and may never set a foot inside a church environment, praying for people right where they are at gives opportunity for the Holy Spirit to impact their lives and to touch them deeply as the gospel is being presented

Praying on the street

Prayer Support That Sets People Free

As the gospel is presented the power of God is released and the Holy Spirit goes to work touching peoples hearts, and setting the captives free - “For the Gospel is the power of God unto Salvation”

“Partnership is not a legal contract between two equal individuals. It’s an emotional alliance between people who are committed to each other’s success.”

“Collaboration is the essence of life. The wind, bees, and flowers work together, to spread the pollen.”


Feel free to contact us with any questions.



+353 862638977