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There is no financial element whatsoever when we partner with you, we are fully self funded and supported by our local church we do not require any financial contributions from our partners.
Our primary goal is to mutually benefit from our partnership by working together to achieve common objectives and goals. We are committed to maintaining transparency and fostering a collaborative and mutually beneficial relationship with our partners, without any financial obligations or requirements.
Our funding support comes directly from our local church Meath Christian Centre who have an outreach fund which enables us to provide printed material, needs based assistance and help whenever it may be needed when encountering people in our communities.
If you would like to support our work it can be done by donating to our local church mark all payments “Outreach Ireland” You can also specify what your donation is to be used for under the these headings:
Printed Material - Outreach Fund
Account Name: Elim Ministries (Meath)
Account No: 19406078
Sort Code: 931373
IBAN: IE55AIBK93137319406078